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Recovering Memories of Fallen Heroes

The loss of business data can easily be measured in economic terms. On the other hand, personal data, such as photos of family, friends and important events, isn’t monetary and its worth can’t be determined in the same way. Often, personal data is thought to be more valuable than any amount of money.
Two recent DriveSavers data recoveries of this nature turned out to be especially priceless.
iPhone from Iraq
In one case, a solider had had his iPhone 3G with him in Iraq when he was shot and killed in combat. When the phone was returned to his relatives along with his personal belongings, it was too badly damaged to be repaired. To compound matters, the phone was protected by a password that no one knew.
Despite these challenges, the DriveSavers engineering team successfully recovered the contents of the phone and the soldier’s family was able to take part in his last days through recovered pictures.
Laptop from Afghanistan
In the second case, a broken laptop was all that was left behind when its Marine owner died in action five years ago in Afghanistan.
Even though it contained only a few dozen photos, the family clung to the laptop. Their son was an avid photographer and they were certain there must be more. Could there be additional pictures hidden on the hard drive?
The results were phenomenal. DriveSavers engineers recovered 1,045 personal pictures and 101 videos from the laptop’s hard drive, including one very special item: a “selfie” video that the Marine had made for his parents but had never had the chance to show them until now.
While there can be no truly happy ending to stories like these, we at DriveSavers are grateful that we were able to help these families in finding whatever comfort and closure may be garnered from these recovered memories.