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Press Release: DriveSavers Unveils Most Sophisticated Data Recovery Cleanroom Operation
Largest data recovery Cleanroom in the world surpasses industry standard and plays major role in saving critical data for 42 Iowa schools
Novato, CA – August 26, 2008 – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery services, invested over $2 million to build the most technologically advanced and world’s largest certified Cleanroom dedicated exclusively to data recovery. The Cleanroom environment features an ISO Class 5 (Class 100) Cleanroom and three separate mixed flow “Clean Zones” (Class 1,000, Class 10,000 and Class 100,000 gradient levels). With this level of sophistication, investment and dedication to retrieving data successfully, DriveSavers continues to pioneer the data recovery industry in innovation and expertise.
“Due to the increasing demand from our corporate customers for enterprise RAID recoveries, we needed to expand our Cleanroom facility to manage our growth for today and the future,” said Scott Gaidano, president of DriveSavers. “As hard drive manufacturers continue to push the limits of data storage capacities, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve by investing in the leading Cleanroom equipment and technologies. With a Cleanroom of this caliber and size, our engineers, who are the best in the industry, have the facility and tools to surpass the industry standard for data recovery.”
Cleanrooms are dust-free, temperature and humidity-controlled environments that protect sensitive data storage components, while they are open and vulnerable, from being damaged by even the slightest trace of contaminants, magnetic fields or excessive air particles. In Cleanroom environments, air contamination is strictly controlled. For the ISO Class 5 (Class 100) Cleanroom, filtered air space contains less than 100 particles per cubic feet at 0.5 microns or larger. To provide perspective, a non-controlled environment such as an average office space can have as many as 1 million particles of this size at any given time.
At DriveSavers, each static-free “Clean Zone” is dedicated to a specific data recovery task and the pristine environment maximizes the chances of successful data recovery. An integral part of the Cleanroom, new “triage” areas have been constructed where engineers decontaminate, clean, and disassemble external hard drives and computers. The new Cleanroom and triage areas provide DriveSavers partners and customers with increased service capacity along with the highest success rate, fastest turnaround time and continued authorization from major hard drive manufacturers and computer makers to work on drives under warranty.
DriveSavers ISO certified Cleanroom and triage areas were put to test and proved their value this summer during the devastating floods in Iowa. The Cedar Rapids School District’s Graphics & Printing department, servicing 42 schools and administration offices, sent in hard drives that were submerged in seven feet of polluted water for three days. The drives contained curriculum for the upcoming year, school forms, student handbooks, newsletters and files from the administrative offices. DriveSavers engineers were able to utilize the new Cleanroom and recovered “EVERYTHING”.
“Equipment can be replaced, but files with thousands of hours of data cannot. I told DriveSavers that if you can’t recover this data, I’m going to have to retire!” comments Robin Rieke Cedar Rapids Print Shop Supervisor. “It felt like a miracle occurred when we received our data back.”
To learn more about DriveSavers and the new Cleanroom, please visit drivesaversdatarecovery.com.
About DriveSavers
DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery services, provides the fastest and most reliable data recovery service in the industry. DriveSavers recovers data from more dropped, damaged, corrupted and traumatized drives in one day than most data recovery engineers do in one month. Our certified self-defending network provides maximum data security during data recovery and adheres to U.S. Government security protocols. DriveSavers is authorized and recommended by all computer and storage device manufacturers and can recover data from all storage devices and all operating systems—including encrypted hard drives, peripheral devices and software. Satisfied customers include: Bank of America, Hughes Aircraft, Lucasfilm, Google, NASA, Harvard University and The Rolling Stones. For more information, visit drivesaversdatarecovery.com.