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Top 5 Mistakes that Lead to Data Loss
Data loss is a severe problem for a business of any size, as losing files means losing money and time to recover valuable information that is crucial for your business.
Preventing data loss is necessary to know for every business. Data loss can occur when it is accidentally deleted or when corruption or viruses cause it. If you leave your data unprotected, your company will experience a considerable loss. When sensitive data is deleted, stolen or compromised, your company should disclose this to clients. As a result, you may lose their trust and respect.
Therefore, you should know about the most common factors that lead to data loss.
Causes Of Data Loss:
1. Lack of Time
Lack of time is one of the most common reasons that can lead to data loss. Not every employee has access to regular document procedures and processes. This is a huge mistake, which can lead to severe data loss problems in the near future. That is why it is crucial to know what, where and when your data is stored. You may probably not fully realize the importance of this point until you will need to provide this information to data recovery specialists, who will try to recover your lost data. In case you do not know what happened, then the data recovery process may be quite long as well as cost you a pretty penny.
2. Working on an Affected Server after Deleted Data
It is wise to stop the work on the affected server as soon as you notice that data is missing on a computer. You should immediately shut down that server as well as ask IT, employees, to freeze the current database. Many companies ignore this process. The reason is that shutting a server down can lead to negative consequences: this action can mean business has to stop. If the sensitive server continues to be used, then the valuable areas on the server that are necessary to be recovered will be overwritten. As a result, you will get nothing but irreversible data loss. That is why those companies who appreciate and take care of their business should pay particular attention to installing sufficient human resources, backups, and replacement servers.
Solution: Never use the affected server where data loss has occurred.
3. Outdated Data Recovery Processes
Outdated backup is a frequent mistake of most companies. It often happens when the wrong data is in the reserve, and the right data has gone missing. Not all the IT departments update or create a new backup. Most of the companies have no plan in case data loss occurs. Because no company has an effective emergency plan, the chance of inevitable data loss is high.
Solution: You need to prepare an emergency data loss plan in case an accident occurs. All the backup processes should be updated.
4. Third-Party Apps
Dropbox as well as Google Drive allow authorizing and running third-party applications on behalf of various apps and websites. These applications can be very harmful as they can move, modify or even delete data. That is why before you grant access you need to be sure that you can trust the site or app. Google Drive as well as Dropbox cannot guarantee 100% security and safety. Thus, they are not able to protect other data on the other company’s servers. As a result, the loss of your data may be the reason for the more significant data privacy and security risks.
In case you store valuable as well as confidential information (tax reports, financial records, etc.) on your server and share this information with other people, their contact info is also saved on your Google Drive. If you allow access to your stored files on Google Drive, you should know that there will always be a chance of data loss, change or deletion.
Solution: Share access only to those people you can trust. Moreover, always make a reserve copy of your data and store it in a place other than your local PC or cloud storage.
5. Virus and Malware
Virus attacks – is one of the first things that come to mind when you mention that you have lost your data. Viruses are very harmful as well as destructive to your software. The leading causes of virus attacks are emails and phishing attacks. Thus, even the most innocent employee may click on the link with the virus. Once you click on the link the virus penetrates your smart device, no matter whether it is your smartphone or a desktop, and destroys its necessary information, files and more. The one way to avoid this problem is to download and install antivirus software on your computer. You should always monitor whether your software is active. Scan your smartphone or a computer regularly. It will help you to detect a computer virus before it will cause any severe damage to your smart device.
Back your data up as many times as possible. It will help you to recover data in case an accident happens.
Solution: In case you want to be ready for virus attacks, you need to install antivirus software. Moreover, to recover your data try to always back it up as many times as possible.
Data loss prevention is essential for businesses, SMEs (Small and Medium-scale Enterprises), companies, etc. Companies need to keep their employees as well as processes updated with the help of an efficient emergency data loss prevention plan, tools, software, etc. that are necessary for preventing data loss risk.
All the mistakes mentioned above are easy to avoid if you are ready for it and have an efficient plan in case an accident occurs.