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Severe Media Damage: Give Crashed Hard Drives a Break

Over the last few months, DriveSavers engineers have a noticed a steady increase in the number of hard drives received at our facility that have severe media damage, making them unrecoverable. While it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of media damage, experience tells us recovery attempts on these drives…

The State of Solid State Devices & SSD Recovery

As solid-state drives (SSDs) continue to grow in popularity, everyone seems curious about their speed, reliability and whether or not they’ll ever permanently replace hard drives that rely on spinning platters to store data. DriveSavers’ experience with solid-state storage technology began around 1995 starting with SmartMedia cards, which were used…

DriveSavers Rescues Man on the Moon!

Apollo 11 astronaut, Buzz Aldrin knows computers. A mechanical engineer and fighter pilot before becoming an astronaut, Aldrin was the second man to set foot on the moon, following mission commander Neil Armstrong. Even with years of experience with computers on earth and in space, nothing could prepare him for…

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