TCC: 2017 Smartphone Trends to Look Forward to

Excerpt from article originally published by TCC.
27 mobile enthusiasts and tech bloggers share their predictions for 2017
The wireless world is evolving rapidly, with fancy new smartphones and wearable gadgets emerging all the time. The industry is changing at such rapid pace. It can be difficult to predict the next smartphone trend. With 2017 right around the corner, tech enthusiasts are anxiously awaiting what will come next in the world of mobile, gadgets, and smartphones. To gain some insight into possibilities in tech, we asked a panel of mobile enthusiasts to weigh in on smartphone trends for 2017. We asked them:
“What’re the biggest cell phone/smartphone trends you’re the most excited about for 2017?”
Mike Cobb
Mike Cobb oversees the daily operations of DriveSavers engineering department, including; scheduling and quality control, as well as developing custom solutions to handle unique data loss situations. He has been an integral part of DriveSavers for over 23 years.
“It seems that none of the smart device manufacturers had much in the way of features or technology to get super excited about in 2016…”
Possible technology that can come out in 2017:
- Longer life batteries.
- Better “live streaming” from phones.
- Wireless charging. We’ve heard that Apple is working hard on getting this accomplished.
- Modular phones. This would be for non-Apple devices. Google was going to do this, but seems to have pulled this out of development. Motorola is currently seeing some success in this department.