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Cybersecurity Infiltrates e-Discovery Managed Services

Originally published by Legaltech news. Security is a top agenda when law firms select EMS vendors By Monica Bay, Legaltech News Law firms, corporate counsel and other organizations face increasing challenges when deciding how to handle electronic data discovery. It’s expensive, challenging and often unpredictable. Over the last decade, e-discovery options…

The FBI Has Clinton’s Email Server. Now What?

Originally published by Wired. Article includes a quote from DriveSavers CSO, Michael Hall. IT STARTED WITH a bad joke. When asked by reporters if her server had been wiped, the leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton shot back: “What, like with a cloth or something?” Ha! You know, like dust. She…

Intel and Micron Debut Blazing Fast Memory Chips

A new memory chip, capable of working 1,000 times faster than current NAND flash chips, is due for release next year from a joint partnership between Intel and Micron. While the two tech firms didn’t give out too many details regarding the new 3D XPoint technology, they said in a…

Ethics opinion: Assess risks before releasing electronic files

Originally published by California Bar Journal. By Amy Yarbrough Staff Writer Attorneys not sure how to respond to e-discovery issues should either read up, work with an expert or decline to take the case to avoid possible misconduct, according to a recent ethics opinion. In an advisory opinion issued June 26,…

More Wearables Mean More Security Concerns

If you don’t have a computer on your wrist yet, get ready because your time is coming. And, you’d better be careful. The worldwide forecast for wearable technology sales is up 173 percent this year, according to a new report from International Data Corp. (IDC). IDC predicts 72.1 million units will…

Protect Your Android Phone from App Attacks

If you use an Android phone, please take this advice­—now For your protection, never buy apps from any discount sellers and always use a malware or security scanner to weed out problems with software before an infection can occur, according to a new report from G Data Security Labs. For…

Samsung Offers 2TB SSD for Consumers

Samsung has doubled the size of its biggest consumer SSDs and is now selling a 2TB solid-state drive for your desktop computer, rivaling the capacity of more traditional spinning hard disk drives. The new 850 Evo ($799.99) comes with a five-year warranty and the 850 Pro SSD ($999.99) has a…

BYOeDD (Bring Your Own eDiscovery Disaster)

Originally published by Nuix. There are more active mobile devices in the world than human beings—and at least 3 billion of those devices are smartphones. The volume of data these devices generate daily is staggering. They have evolved from “dumb” phones into pocket computers and ultra-thin tablets that can access multiple…

4 Survival Tips For Legaltech West Coast

Originally published by Legaltech News. Legaltech West Coast is right around the corner. Check out these ideas for making the most of it. Legaltech West Coast is right around the corner, on July 13 and 14, in San Francisco. Whether it’s your first visit to this conference or your eleventh, check…

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