DriveSavers has worked extensively with law enforcement agencies and other legal entities in the United States and abroad, providing certified legal compliance, security and confidentiality. We understand the legal issues surrounding the collection, analysis and protection of electronic data for litigation purposes.
—Michael Hall, CISO, DriveSavers
Custom Security Protocols
Protect Data Integrity
DriveSavers will customize a program to meet the security level you require.
- We offer the highest possible security protocols to meet the stringent requirements of corporations and government agencies
- Recovered data is imaged using EnCase®, the court-validated industry standard for documenting evidence
- Chain of custody protocols can be provided for full data protection from receipt to return
Forensic and eDiscovery Certifications:
- Cellebrite—Certified Logical Operator (CCLO)
- Cellebrite—Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA)
- Cellebrite—JTAG Extraction and Decoding (CJED)
- Encase—Certified Examiner (EnCE)
- GIAC – Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)
- GIAC—Security Essentials Certification (GSEC)
- WinHex—FileSystems Revealed
- WinHex—Forensic Training
Forensic and eDiscovery Training:
- Access Data—AccessData Boot Camp Training
- Advanced Techniques in Mac Forensics Training
- Blackbag—Advanced Course
- Blackbag—Intermediate Course
- Blackbag—Introductory Course
- EnCase—Advanced Internet Examinations Training
- EnCase—EnCE Preparation Training
- EnCase—Network Intrusion Investigations Training
- Nuix—eDiscovery Training
- Nuix—Investigator Training
- SANS Network Security—Mac Forensic Analysis
- X Ways Software Technology AG—X Ways Forensics
- X Ways Software Technology AG—File Systems Revealed