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Press Release: Corporations, Medical Centers and U.S. Government Trust DriveSavers Data Recovery Services to Save Secure Data
Demand for Security Fuels DriveSavers Corporate Sales Growth 56%
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – RSA CONFERENCE & EXPO 2011 (Booth 446) – February 14, 2011 – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery services, announced today that the company is seeing a significant growth in its business due to the increased demand for data privacy and security protocols from their customers. Companies, medical facilities and government agencies are required to meet the most stringent data security guidelines by law, and are now requiring third-party data recovery vendors who handle their data to meet these same guidelines. DriveSavers has a competitive advantage over other data recovery companies by meeting all the security requirements requested. For years, DriveSavers invested millions in research, technology, equipment, new facilities, training and audits to ensure their ability to offer the highest recovery results and the most secure data recovery services available. CompuCom Systems, Inc, eBay, NASA, Weill Cornell Medical Center, and UCLA Medical Center have all trusted DriveSavers with their critical data after DriveSavers passed their rigorous security audit process.
DriveSavers is SOC 2 Type II compliant, the Corporate Industry’s standard for an overall control structure. DriveSavers also adheres to U.S. Government security protocols, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Data Security Rule (GLBA), the Data at Rest US mandate (DAR), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). DriveSavers also meets all requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), upholding the highest standards of confidentiality and data protection required by the Healthcare industry. In addition, DriveSavers engineers have received Certifications for completing extensive encryption training programs from the leading encryption software vendors, including GuardianEdge, PGP, Pointsec (Check Point Software Technology) and Utimaco. DriveSavers can successfully recover lost data from encrypted hardware, software, email, network files, web pages, wireless device data and all storage and backup devices.
For companies that have a strong vendor risk management program, mandated vendor management practices apply to all stages of the information life cycle. CompuCom Systems, Inc., and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have extremely stringent security protocol and auditing processes for their third-party vendors. DriveSavers has experienced first-hand and passed these security protocols of CompuCom and LLNL.
“We strive to ensure that our mission critical data handled by third-party vendors is protected at a level equivalent to the standards we hold for ourselves,” said Neda Gray, CISSP, Information Systems Security Officer for Operations and Business at LLNL. “We periodically require an exhaustive security assessment of our third-party vendors.”
“Data security standards are set high by CompuCom to ensure that our customer’s data is never vulnerable,” said Dave Borgese, vice president at CompuCom Systems. “We require an exhaustive security assessment of all our third-party vendors. DriveSavers is SOC 2 Type II compliant and is guarded by a ‘defense-in-depth’ network architecture which provides the level of data security we promise to our customers.”
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, like most government agencies, base their data security standards on recommendations by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a federal agency within the US Department of Commerce that develops and issues standards, guidelines and publications for federal agencies. Recently, NIST added new language to their Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems to alert federal agencies and other organizations of the security risks associated with using an unqualified third-party data recovery vendor. Based on the recommendations of NIST, organizations and government agencies that must adhere to data security and data privacy regulations, such as SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, and ISO 27000, should now apply recognized due diligence best practices within their Vendor Risk Management Programs to data recovery service providers.
Paul Reymann, CEO of ReymannGroup, and one of the nation’s foremost experts in regulatory compliance and information risk management comments, “Many companies and government agencies are focused on protecting data on the inside of their organization from outside attacks. Critical data that is so carefully guarded internally is vulnerable to a data breach if third-party data recovery companies are not vetted properly. Hiring the wrong data recovery vendor could lead to compromised or stolen data, network breaches and other material security events.”
DriveSavers credentials for certified secure data recovery services include:
- DriveSavers SOC 2 Type II Certification
- DriveSavers ISO Class 5 Certification
- DriveSavers Certified, Self-defending Network
- DriveSavers Forensics Training Certification
- Secure and permanent data destruction process approved by the National Security Agency, Department of Defense and Central Security Service
- All employees handling sensitive data have received extensive background checks
- All leading manufacturers authorize DriveSavers
To learn more about DriveSavers data recovery services, please visit our website or call 800.440.1904.
To download the NIST Special Publication 800.34, Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems, (Rev.1) Section 5.1.3 (Protection of Resources) in its entirety, click here: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-34-rev1/sp800-34-rev1.pdf
About DriveSavers
DriveSavers Data Recovery is the worldwide leader in data recovery services and provides the fastest, most reliable and only certified SOC 2 Type II data recovery service in the industry today. DriveSavers High Security Service adheres to U.S. Government security protocols to ensure that no data is ever compromised during the data recovery process. DriveSavers maintains the most technologically advanced Certified ISO Class 5 (Class 100) Cleanroom in the industry and is authorized to open drives by all major storage device manufacturers without voiding the warranty. DriveSavers engineers recover lost data from all storage devices and all operating systems and are trained and certified in all leading encryption and forensics technologies. Satisfied customers include: Bank of America, Google, Lucasfilm, NASA, Harvard University, Salvation Army and The Rolling Stones. ()