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What Happens to Data After Recovery?

In every successful data recovery, the recovered contents from the affected drive are copied onto another device, often a hard drive. A new flash drive is appropriate for customers with smaller amounts of recovered data. This “target drive” is what we send to the customer in order to return their…

Fitbits, Wearable Tech, and the Impending eDiscovery Deluge

Originally published by FindLaw. By Mark Wilson, Esq. The eDiscovery revolution begun in the late ’90s continues unabated, but wearable data-collecting devices like the Fitbit present a new and interesting problem for electronic discovery. Anything You Wear May Be Used Against You in a Court of Law You can probably imagine…

3 Mistakes Lawyers Make Responding to ESI Requests

Originally published by FindLaw. By Mark Wilson, Esq. Electronic discovery is the name of the game these days as more and more people and companies store their stuff in the form of bytes, not pages. That means that lawyers need to know how electronic discovery works (and in some places, that’s…

Global Reach for Data Breaches

What really happens to your personal information if it gets swept up in one of those big data breaches that have hit companies like Target, Anthem Health and Sony? Bitglass, a data security company, devised a test to measure what could happen to an individual’s personal data after a breach…

Managing the CSI Effect in Jurors

Originally published by the American Bar Association. By Katie L. Dysart – May 28, 2012 The now-ubiquitous term the “CSI Effect” has been used to describe the phenomenon whereby high-tech, forensic science dramatized in television crime dramas such as CSI, Law & Order, and Forensic Files theoretically promotes unrealistic expectations among…

Hidden Gold in Governance

Originally published by California Lawyer. by Susan Kuchinskas | May 2015 The discipline known as information governance has risen in visibility and application over the past year. And the bigger a law firm is, the more data it generates and stores-and must control and keep safe. Smaller firms may have more…

Legal Issues with Cloud Forensics

Originally published on Forensic Magazine. Unfortunately, many companies have entered the cloud without first checking the weather. Cloud services have skyrocketed primarily because they’re cheaper and more convenient than the alternative. What happens if the cloud gets stormy, you suffer a breach, and you find yourself in the position of having…

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