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San Bernardino iPhone Data Recovery Statement

Currently, we cannot validate the recoverability of the iPhone 5c in question. However, we have been exploring different options in our R&D lab and working on possible solutions. We feel very positive about one method in particular, which involves a series of tools available in the marketplace that we have…

Recruiter: eDiscovery for Human Resources: A Basic How-To Guide

Originally published by Recruiter. Written by Rene Novoa, Manager of eDiscovery and Digital Forensics, DriveSavers In today’s digital world, many businesses have gone paperless, choosing to keep important files and documents stored on computers rather than in file cabinets. Among these digitized files are, of course, the documents that HR departments…

“Superman” Data Storage Crystals May Outlast Mankind

By Mike Cobb, Director of Engineering at DriveSavers Tiny Glass Disks Promise Huge Data Storage Potential Researchers in England say they have developed working models of a 5-D glass storage device that can hold more data per square inch than anything else on Earth, is nearly indestructible and can possibly…

FBI vs. iPhone

There has been some speculation as to whether a third-party could access the data on deceased San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook’s iPhone. DriveSavers was the first data recovery company to successfully recover lost data from the iPhone back in 2007. Since that time, we have successfully recovered thousands of smartphones,…

Don’t Get Caught by Phishing or Other Email Attacks

A lot of smart people are fooled every day by something that looks genuine, but isn’t! Phishing and malware attacks are designed to take something important from you and profit from the theft. This type of attack is directed at individuals and businesses alike. Remember the big 2013 Target breach?…

DriveSavers eDiscovery Reports Triple-Digit Growth in 2015

Data recovery company expands department to meet continued influx of customer orders. (NOVATO, Calif., Feb. 2, 2016) — DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic services, today announced expansion of its eDiscovery department to accommodate the growing number of incoming service orders. In total, DriveSavers has…

Technology Predictions for 2016

Technology marches on, but where and how fast will it actually move in 2016 is anybody’s guess. Some of last year’s themes will continue, including a big increase in drone sales, an even greater usage of smart phones, more Internet-connected devices (including wearables and the Internet of Things) plus projected…

Don’t Donate Your Data—Avoid Common Mistakes

The weeks immediately following the holidays will see an influx of donations, including electronic devices that store data. If you received a great replacement for a device you’ve been using, you may soon be donating as well. If you plan to donate a computer, smartphone, tablet or any storage device,…

Cybercrime Fighting Costs Jump 19 Percent

Cybercrime is rising, particularly in the United States, pushing up the cost of fighting serious hackers by 19 percent. This increase is staggering, especially when compared to the worldwide average cost increase of 1.9 percent. A recent study by the Ponemon Institute looked at large companies with more than 1,000…

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