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Video: See Why Micron Technology Trusts DriveSavers

OEMs Like Micron Trust DriveSavers with their Proprietary and Intellectual Property By Michael Hall, Chief Information Security Officer and Chris Bross, Chief Information Officer   Technology is constantly changing and evolving. In order to provide data recovery for all devices and all operating systems, our Research and Development Department regularly…

Data Safety Advice for Hurricane Harvey Victims

By Mike Cobb, Director of Engineering If you are located in the path of Hurricane Harvey, we hope that you, your family and coworkers are safe. With severe flooding in Texas and Louisiana coming on the heels of the severe tropical storm, we’ve prepared some guidance to help protect your…

Legal Technology Moves Into “IoT” Territory

By Bob Mehr, Sr. Legal Services Advisor Technology is changing today’s legal landscape as courts grapple with a wave of electronic evidence coming from places and things that connect to the Internet. This new evidence is from sources we never imagined would be admissible, including smartphones, doorbells, virtual assistants and…

Petya/ExPetr was Data Killer, Not Ransomware

By Michael Hall, Chief Information Security Officer The malware attack that started in Eastern Europe in late June and quickly spread around the globe looks like it was not a ransom attack at all, but an all-out effort to destroy data, according to a security company that examined the program’s…

Ransomware Takes a New Turn—How WannaCry was Different

By Michael Hall, Chief Information Security Officer Last month, the ransomware known as WannaCry spread through the world at an astonishing rate, attacking hundreds of thousands of computers literally overnight and holding their data for ransom. In 2016, ransomware cost its victims approximately $1 billion. That’s $1 billion for all…

Digital Forensic Process—Preservation / Collection

By John Ahearne, Forensic Analyst This article is part of a series that delves into each step of the digital forensic process. If you missed one of the previous articles, you can read them at the links below: Digital Forensic Process—Introduction Digital Forensic Process—Identification Handling Digital Evidence Handling of evidence…

Digital Forensic Process—Preservation / Collections

By John Ahearne, Forensic Analyst This article is part of a series that delves into each step of the digital forensic process. If you missed one of the previous articles, you can read them at the links below: Digital Forensic Process—Introduction Digital Forensic Process—Identification Handling Digital Evidence Handling of evidence…

WannaCry Recovery Tips

By Mike Cobb, Director of Engineering Last month, the WannaCry/WannaCrypt ransomware tore through hundreds of thousands of computers overnight in a worldwide onslaught. If you are a victim, there is hope. Through in-depth study of the WannaCry ransomware, Kaspersky Labs has discovered that the code was poorly written and contains…

Hybrid Drive Technology: Pros and Cons

By Will DeLisi, NAND Flash Recovery Specialist What do you get when you combine a solid state drive with a traditional spinning hard drive? It’s a hybrid drive, which may very well be the best of both worlds. Solid state hybrid drives (SSHDs) combine a smaller, faster SSD with a…

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