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How Long Will My Digital Storage Last?

Not too long ago getting your first flash drive was a big deal, making you feel like a cool, tech-savvy type, ready to take on the world one USB drive at a time. That drive might have been a gig or two (if you were lucky) and was used to…

What’s the Future of Data Storage?

Every day, more than 4.5 billion internet users relentlessly create an astronomical amount of data with every move they make on their computers, smartphones and other devices. That means by 2025 the amount of data worldwide will be around 175 zettabytes.  The sheer volume of that data is almost unimaginable…

How to Use Captcha to Prevent Spam

CAPTCHAs are used to secure websites from spammers, hackers and other invasive actors by preventing spam bots from submitting forms. Literally standing for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart,” this technology has been around for about 25 years and has protected many websites from would-be…

How to Eliminate Website Spam on Your Blog or Forum

Spam. No, we’re not talking about the meat-like delicacy from yesteryear. We’re talking about the annoying, invasive, tenacious, unfortunate byproduct of the internet that has been wreaking havoc on perfectly good websites for years. Spam, much like the food product (depending on your tastes), is unwanted and comes in many…

4 Signs You’re Experiencing SSD Failure

Solid state hard drives (SSDs) have been around for some time. They were first invented in 1976 by Dataram, and since then, they’ve mostly been used as server accessories to boost speed and storage. But the price tag has been high. In 1977, an SSD configuration bearing 256KB of storage…

Pros and Cons of Using the Cloud to Backup Your Data

Data creation is exploding at an exponential rate. The International Data Corporation recently predicted that by 2025, the world’s datasphere will total 175 zettabytes. In 2018, just 33 zettabytes of data existed.  A zettabyte sounds like a lot. But “a lot” doesn’t really do the magnitude of a zettabyte justice…

What Causes a Head Crash on a Hard Disk

A hard drive head can easily be compared to a brain, because it reads and interprets data just like human brains. This part of the hard drive also takes in new data, saving the information for later use. Our brains work in a similar fashion absorbing, interpreting, storing and recalling…

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