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DriveSavers at ASMC May 4–7

The Apple Specialist Marketing CoOp (ASMC) Channel Summit will be in Austin, TX May 4–7. This event is open to the following attendees: Apple Specialists Apple Premier Partners Apple Authorized Resellers Apple Value-Added Resellers Apple Authorized Service Providers Apple Premium Service Providers If you attend, stop by the DriveSavers booth… What Is DriveSavers And Who Needs It?

Originally published by Have you ever lost an important document because your hard drive crashed? Whether it is an invoice that is due tomorrow, prior year tax documents or confidential business document you have been storing for years, losing data can be a painful experience. DriveSavers can recover lost…

TheFuture.TV: Putting the Customer First is Good Business

Originally published by TheFuture.TV. “If you’re tangled up, just tango on.” —Charlie Simms, “Scent of a Woman,” Universal Studios, 1992 The most difficult things for a company to manage are its image and customer expectations. It’s all due to the fact that innovation is moving at an accelerated pace and by…

Proposed Encryption Legislation and What it Means

By Scott Moyer, DriveSavers President Unless you are just this moment rejoining society after months spent stranded on a technology-free desert island, you are well aware of the recent controversial disagreement between the FBI and Apple involving an iPhone 5C that once belonged to San Bernardino shooter, Syed Rizwan Farook… eDiscovery 101 for Human Resources

Originally published by By Rene Novoa, senior manager of eDiscovery and Digital Forensics In today’s digital world, it’s increasingly common for businesses to go “paperless.” Oftentimes, the conversion to digital includes documentation prepared and maintained by human resource (HR) departments. These documents could include everything from handbooks and company…

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