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Is Bigger Better? How to Choose the Right Hard Drive Sizes

Humanity has long been plagued with the question, does size matter? Some say bigger is always better. Others believe size should be influenced by how the product will be used. So, who’s right?  Unfortunately, there’s no universal answer. From supersized fast food to pickup trucks with six doors, marketers have…

How to Protect Your Data During a Zombie Apocalypse

By Chris Bross, Chief Technology Officer – Repost from Oct. 27, 2017 If you still have your brains, then you already understand how a zombie apocalypse would cause all heck to break loose in the world. Power outages, wifi outages, chaos in the streets… But what might happen during a…

How to Get Contacts Back on an iPhone

Ever delete a contact from your phone and then instantly regret it? Maybe you did it intentionally. Or maybe it was an accident! Either way the outcome is the same. You need to know how to recover deleted contacts from an iPhone quickly!  Unfortunately, we’re long past the days of…

How to Restore an Apple Music Library

Did you know there are more than 68 million Apple Music users across the world? Folks who use this service love the expansive music library, the streamlined interface, and the convenience of using a single music streaming service. But sometimes, the app doesn’t work as designed. Sometimes you may struggle…

Severe Weather – Data Safety Tips

If a hurricane hit your business today, would your data survive? Here’s how to protect  your data from an impending natural disaster. Keep all electronics out of basements and off the floor in general. Basements are naturally cool places, but are the first to flood. If possible, unplug your hardware-laptops, printers,…

Data Safety Tips for the Wildfire Season

DriveSavers published a handful of articles from past fire seasons that remain relevant today. Fire-damaged devices: recoverable or not? The Northern California fires of 2017 taught us some lessons about the different effects that a wildfire has on data storage devices as opposed to the average house fire. Data recovery…

Everything you need to know about the NVMe protocol

Data storage technology is a rapidly changing space. Several decades ago, most of us were using magnetic tape to store our information and thinking we were living on the cutting edge of technology. We thought nothing could be more efficient or useful. And we were right… back then. But in…

Froknowsphoto Knows Data Loss

Aug., 27 2020 – Jared Polin of Froknowsphoto knows data loss, and now knows DriveSavers What’s your worst nightmare as a photographer? Mine generally is showing up to a photo shoot, but all I have in my bag is a Pentax. Actually it’s losing all of my photos from a…

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