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DriveSavers to Discuss HIPAA Omnibus Ruling at AHIMA 2014

Data recovery company continues to ensure customer data privacy and security San Diego, Calif. (Sept. 29, 2014) – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic solutions, is an exhibitor at the 86th annual American Health Information Management Association AHIMA Convention. Held Sept. 27 – Oct. 2 at the Convention Center in San…

Medical Data: Tempting Target for Cyber Theft

Data breaches are a fact of life nowadays, so it’s not exactly surprising to learn of another hack in which more than 4.5 million medical patient records were recently stolen from Community Health, a Tennessee health care company. One of the largest hospital groups in the country, Community Health has…

Easy Does It With Apple iOS8 Upgrade

The new iOS8 operating system for Apple’s lineup of portable computing devices is available for download on September 17. Before making the move, here’s what you should do to safely complete the upgrade process. First, if you haven’t already done so, make a backup copy of all data on every…

CD Rot: A Diskaster in the Making

CD rot sounds like yet another horrible disease du jour, but it’s not quite that. It’s what can happen over time to the recorded contents of compact disks and it’s not reversible. The Library of Congress, which maintains copies of important commercial recordings and printed materials, is struggling with the…

Press Release: DriveSavers Data Recovery Services Now Available for Helium Hard Disk Drives

DriveSavers successfully accomplishes first data recovery of a Helium hard disk drive NOVATO, Calif. – August 28, 2014 – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic solutions, announced today data recovery services for helium-filled hard disk drives (HDD) are now available. DriveSavers Data Recovery experts are available 24/7 to help users…

SSD: What Happens When Files are Accidentally Deleted

Scenario: Data Deletion Data deletion occurs when a user deletes data and then empties the recycle/trash bin. TRIM Command In order to maintain optimal performance, all modern solid-state drives utilize the TRIM command. When enabled, this command executes automatically to delete and reset data that has been “Trashed” or “Recycled” and prepare…

Trends in Security of Data Recovery Operations

Using an Unscrupulous Data Recovery Vendor Can Result in Loss or Theft of Sensitive and Confidential Information (Novato, CA – January 10, 2012) – DriveSavers Data Recovery, the worldwide leader in data recovery services, announced today that the Ponemon Institute, a privacy and information management research firm, identifies in its second annual study, Trends in…


Officially, it’s called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, but it’s usually shortened to just the letters HIPAA. The Security Rule specifies a series of administrative, physical and technical safeguards for covered entities and their business associates to use to assure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of electronic…

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