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Storage Newsletter: DriveSavers Performs Recoveries of Cell Phones Considered Inaccessible

Using JTAG, chip-off and proprietary capabilities to retrieve “unrecoverable” data for law enforcement DriveSavers, Inc., in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic services, announced new capabilities in accessing data from anonymous prepaid cell phones, often referred to in law enforcement as ‘burner phones.’ Such devices contain previously unattainable data typically…

DriveSavers Partners with Kingston Technology to Deliver Exemplary Customer Satisfaction for its Business SSDs

DriveSavers to provide secure data recovery in unique or unexpected SSD data loss cases for Kingston Technology corporate customers NOVATO, Calif. (Aug. 11, 2015) DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic solutions, announced today a partnership with Kingston Technology and its KingstonCare customer satisfaction program specifically for its business SSDs. KingstonCare…

More Wearables Mean More Security Concerns

If you don’t have a computer on your wrist yet, get ready because your time is coming. And, you’d better be careful. The worldwide forecast for wearable technology sales is up 173 percent this year, according to a new report from International Data Corp. (IDC). IDC predicts 72.1 million units will…

Protect Your Android Phone from App Attacks

If you use an Android phone, please take this advice­—now For your protection, never buy apps from any discount sellers and always use a malware or security scanner to weed out problems with software before an infection can occur, according to a new report from G Data Security Labs. For…

Samsung Offers 2TB SSD for Consumers

Samsung has doubled the size of its biggest consumer SSDs and is now selling a 2TB solid-state drive for your desktop computer, rivaling the capacity of more traditional spinning hard disk drives. The new 850 Evo ($799.99) comes with a five-year warranty and the 850 Pro SSD ($999.99) has a…

What Happens to Data After Recovery?

In every successful data recovery, the recovered contents from the affected drive are copied onto another device, often a hard drive. A new flash drive is appropriate for customers with smaller amounts of recovered data. This “target drive” is what we send to the customer in order to return their…

Global Reach for Data Breaches

What really happens to your personal information if it gets swept up in one of those big data breaches that have hit companies like Target, Anthem Health and Sony? Bitglass, a data security company, devised a test to measure what could happen to an individual’s personal data after a breach…

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