Through a special arrangement with Kodak, DriveSavers is authorized and recommended to perform data recovery on Kodak digital cameras and memory cards at reduced rates. Our work will not void your original warranty. We are also extending Kodak customers some very special benefits.
Expert en récupération de données
DriveSavers has been recovering data since 1985 and is the worldwide leader in professional data recovery. We were the first company to successfully recover data from digital cameras and the first company chosen for referrals by Canon, Kodak, Nikon, Olympus and Sony. Today, all major digital camera companies, hard drive fabricants, OEMs and professional photography associations refer their customers to DriveSavers.
Toutes les entreprises de récupération de données
ne se valent pas
Ne vous laissez pas tromper par les apparences en ligne ou les promesses d'autres entreprises de récupération de données. DriveSavers est la seule entreprise au monde à avoir obtenu les certifications salle blanche ISO classe 5., encryption, network et Certifications SOC 2 Type II., ce qui fait de nous le service de récupération de données le plus rapide, le plus sécurisé et le plus fiable au monde –garanti.
Use of DriveSavers as a data recovery company is at the sole discretion of the customer. Kodak assumes no liability for any loss or damages of any kind that relate to, arise out of or result from the performance of services by DriveSavers, including, but not limited to any loss of data contained on a Kodak product.
CONTACTEZ-NOUS 24/7 pour un devis gratuit
+1 (437) 266-8341