Houston Chronicle: DriveSavers offers free data recovery services to Texans affected by Harvey

By Katherine Feser
DriveSavers, a California-based provider of data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic solutions, announced it will provide free data recovery services to Texas residents who have lost data as a result of Hurricane Harvey.
The company is donating services to retrieve data from water-damaged hard drives, smartphones, tablets, laptops and other data storage devices.
“DriveSavers is known worldwide for recovering data from severely traumatized devices including those that have been dropped, burnt, crushed and fully submerged in water,” DriveSavers president Scott Moyer said in an announcement.
“We’re pleased to offer our expertise to those who’ve lost irreplaceable data like photos and videos of loved ones, business files and financial records.”
Customers can send one device per business or household and should contact DriveSavers no later than Sept. 15, since exposure to water and air cause corrosion on electronic circuitry. Additional recoveries and those with multi-disk devices are eligible for a 50 percent discount off the regular service fees.
Those needing service are asked to contact DriveSavers immediately at 800.440.1904 or visit drivesaversdatarecovery.com. In-house advisors are available around the clock.
DriveSavers may limit the number of free recoveries based on the company’s workload, frais of parts and availability of personnel. It plans to accept as many as it can.
Read more: http://www.chron.com/business/bizfeed/article/DriveSavers-offers-free-data-recovery-services-to-12164017.php#photo-13881199