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Spring Cleaning for Your Smartphone

By Will DeLisi, NAND Flash Recovery Specialist Updated March 16, 2018 It’s Spring Cleaning time! Don’t forget that powerful device we all use almost every hour of every day: our smartphones. Here are some maintenance tips for you. Back Up, Back Up, Back Up! Back up your data by making copies…

One of the Lucky Ones

Mike Cobb tells his personal story of the Sonoma/Napa wildfires. Mike Cobb, DriveSavers Director of Engineering, uses personal tragedy to help explain why we should all be protecting our business and personal information from potential loss, and how to do just that. Listen to Mike’s Story in His Own Words…

Technically Speaking of Spring Cleaning

By Mike Cobb, Director of Engineering Updated March 1, 2018 Spring is here and it’s time to add technology to your list of seasonal cleaning chores. Here’s your Tech Spring Cleaning list. Back Up We always recommend triple redundancy, meaning that the same important data is located in three places—one…

Beware No Fee Guarantee

Many data recovery companies promise a “no data, no charge” guarantee. DriveSavers is one of them. But what, precisely, does that statement mean? And does it mean the same thing for all data recovery companies? You better toss aside any preconceived notions when it comes to interpreting the fine print…

Video: An Alaskan Adventure

Technology moves quickly. Data recovery moves quickly as well. Bernard Zink’s Alaskan adventure story from 2010 shows how advanced DriveSavers has always been when it comes to data recovery of flash memory devices, but it also shows how far we have come since then. Bernard’s Story In 2010, Bernard Zink,…

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