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DriveSavers Offers Data Recovery Relief to Victims of Monumental Texas and Oklahoma Flooding

Recovery experts extend $500 off services to aid those affected by the recent, damaging floods NOVATO, Calif. (May 29, 2015) – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic services, today announced it would provide assistance to victims of the recent storm and flooding in Texas and Oklahoma. After 10 days of…

New Malware Implodes on Detection, Taking Your Data Down

An insidious computer virus that reacts violently when detected—destroying everything onboard—is now on the loose. Researchers from Cisco Systems Talos Group discovered the malware threat, called Rombertik. Like many other threats, this one is made up of particularly virulent code attached to a seemingly innocuous email. The bug is designed…

Recycler ou réutiliser ?

After a hard drive is recovered by DriveSavers, our standard practice is to return the equipment to the user. We don’t repair the drives so if they are not working when they come to the lab, they leave in the same condition. When a customer doesn’t want their broken equipment…

Digital Guardian : Les experts en sécurité des données répondent : Quelle est l'idée la plus fausse que les entreprises se font des outils de sécurité et de protection des points finaux ?

Originally published by Digital Guardian. By Nate Lord Endpoint security is a method of protecting a central corporate network when it is being accessed through remote devices, or endpoints, such as PCs, laptops and other wireless mobile devices. And while endpoint security is a concept that isn’t exactly new by any…

Press Release: DriveSavers Recovers More than 1.3 Billion Images

Data recovery experts retrieve digital assets for professional photographers (LAS VEGAS – Booth #1264 – March 2, 2015) –– DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic solutions, works extensively with photographers and digital arts professionals. As a result, the company has been successful in recovering more than 1.3 billion images. DriveSavers will…

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