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DriveSavers Resurrects Wired Writer’s Digital Life

DriveSavers was selected for the SSD data recovery because of its stringent security, advanced technology, unparalleled expertise and well-respected recommendations

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – August 21, 2012 [FLASH MEMORY SUMMIT – BOOTH# 920 – DriveSavers Data Recovery, the worldwide leader in data recovery services, announced today that it has successfully recovered critical data for Wired writer, Mat Honan. Honan became the victim of hackers who took over his Twitter and Apple iCloud account where they initiated a remote wipe of his iPad, iPhone and MacBook Air laptop computer. DriveSavers Data Recovery was faced with an exceptional number of challenges rescuing the data because the drive used new solid-state technology and a large chunk of data had been completely erased from the device. See full story in Câblés.

When Mat Honan’s online accounts were hacked, he lost more than a year’s worth of personal photos and videos covering the first year and a half of his baby daughter’s life. Documents and e-mails were also lost and he found that the occasional data backups he had been performing were useless as he tried to piece together his digital life. With his confidence broken and privacy violated, he now wanted to take extra steps to seek out the most secure data recovery provider. Mat Honan commented about his data privacy, “I am an over-sharer. But the things most intimate in life, I tend to keep private.”

Through careful consideration, a suggestion from a local Apple store and recommendations from several well-respected technology gurus including TWiT’s Leo Laporte, Mat selected DriveSavers Data Recovery to recover his digital life. Whether it’s a business or consumer, every customer’s confidential data is protected during the recovery process at DriveSavers Data Recovery. The company meets security and privacy protocols mandated for the protection of government, financial, legal, corporate and healthcare data and posts proof of its SOC 2 Type II audit report.

Honan’s MacBook Air, like many smart phones, tablets and other storage devices, is based on SSD technology. SSD technology is favored in the design of laptops and mobile products because it eliminates the mechanical malfunctions of traditional hard drives and improves read/write performance and lower energy consumption. However, SSD data recoveriespresent a whole new set of failure issues and recovery challenges. Fortunately for Honan, DriveSavers Data Recovery has been working with SSD technology for years and has partnered with the leading SSD manufacturers including LSI SandForce and Samsung, to speed the recovery process and achieve high success rates. Recovering Honan’s data is what DriveSavers Data Recovery does every day, all day.

Honan shares the experience of seeing his data again, “The thing I cared most about, above all else, was my photo library. And there, in a folder full of JPGs, was photo after photo after photo that I had feared were gone forever. I went immediately to the folder that bore the date my daughter was born. Everything was there. I nearly cried.” Mat Honan continued, “The bottom line is that I have all my photos and all the home movies I’ve shot…every one of them. And seemingly, all of my most important documents as well. That felt like a miracle.”

At the 7th Annual Flash Memory Summit this week, DriveSavers Data Recovery authority on SSD data recovery, Chris Bross, will speak on a technology panel titled: Data Loss Survival Guide (Session 201) on Wednesday, August 22 at 8:30am. Bross will focus his segment on the Future Trends in SSD Technology and will discuss the recovery of Mat Honan’s MacBook Air. For more information about DriveSavers Data Recovery and SSD data recovery services, visit

A propos de DriveSavers Data Recovery

DriveSavers Récupération de Données, le leader mondial de la récupération de données, fournit le service de récupération de données le plus rapide, le plus fiable et le seul service de récupération de données sécurisé et certifié de l'industrie. Tous les services de la société sont conformes aux protocoles de sécurité pour les industries financières, juridiques, d'entreprise et de santé et affichent la preuve de son rapport d'audit SOC 2 Type II et de sa conformité à la loi HIPAA sur la sécurité et la confidentialité des données. DriveSavers Récupération de Données adhère aux protocoles de sécurité du gouvernement américain, au Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Data Security Rule (GLBA), au Data at Rest mandate (DAR) et au Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). Les ingénieurs de DriveSavers Data Recovery sont formés et certifiés dans toutes les technologies de cryptage et de forensics et gèrent une salle blanche certifiée ISO Class 5. Les clients satisfaits comprennent : Bank of America, Google, Lucasfilm, NASA, Harvard University, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, U.S. Army et Sandia National Laboratories.

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