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Press Release: DriveSavers Partners with GC Micro to Provide Services Through NASA SEWP IV Contract

Only provider to deliver certified secure data recovery, eDiscovery and forensic services
NOVATO, Calif. (Jan. 5, 2015) – DriveSavers, leader mondial en récupération de données récupération de données, eDiscovery et solutions de criminalistique numérique, today announced a partnership with GC Micro, an information technology firm with a competitive NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP IV), government wide acquisition contract (GWAC).
“Partnering with GC Micro is an honor, and we look forward to providing data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic services to the extensive customer base, including federal agencies,” said Chris Bross, chief technology officer, DriveSavers. “We’re able to offer the highest level of data security available as we adhere to the most stringent security requirements of the government.”
Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement is a multi-award GWAC vehicle focused on IT products and product-based services. The 37 pre-competed contract holders offer a wide range of advanced technology including tablets, desktops and servers, IT peripherals, network equipment, storage systems, security tools, software products, cloud-based services, video conferencing systems and other IT and audio-visual products. Product-based services such as installation, training, maintenance and warranty are also available through SEWP. As an OMB-authorized GWAC, the SEWP contracts are utilized by all federal agencies.
As a prime contractor of the NASA SEWP IV contract, federal agencies can procure services through GC Micro at competitive price points.
“GC Micro is elated to announce our partnership with DriveSavers under the NASA SEWP IV contract,” said Belinda Guadarrama, CEO of GC Micro. “Working together, we will provide NASA and other Federal Agencies with the most innovative data recovery, eDiscovery, and digital forensics solutions available.”
In addition to fulfilling information technology hardware and software requirements, GC Micro provides hardware and software integration services and software management services to the Federal Government and Fortune 500 companies. For more information, visit www.gcmicro.com.
To learn more about DriveSavers data recovery expertise, please visit drivesaversdatarecovery.com.