DriveSavers Banner Program
Post our banner ads to position your company as an authorized DriveSavers Reseller. Associate your company with the leading brand name in professional data recovery services. We’ve created banners is various sizes (top banner, sidebar banner, etc.) to ensure a good fit for your website. In addition our banners are now customized to include different device types. If you specialize in iPhone repair, choose one of the iPhone banners. If you work on multiple devices, choose those that match your business offerings. Five minutes of your time will help you generate thousands in sales revenue!
Each banner is designed to stand out on your website and catch the eye of any customer who needs data recovery. Placed in a strategic location, they quickly communicate that you can help your customers recover lost data—fast!
Your exclusive DriveSavers reseller code is embedded in the banner’s underlying HTML source code. Just one click of a mouse will take visitors to a customized webpage (without leaving your site) where your reseller code* is displayed along with discount pricing details. Each click takes you closer to more revenue from customer referrals.
Don’t overlook the importance of banner placement! You can greatly enhance the power of your banner ads by placing them in an appropriate location, such as under a “Service and Support” tab, or on the sidebar of landing pages where computers and/or data storage devices are displayed.
• Choose a banner from below And Select the “Get Code” button
• then copy your banner code from the box below and past into your site
• Repeat this for each different banner you would like to display
* If you do not know your reseller code please email the Reseller Team at:
** Please note that having an ad blocker turned on will “hide” our banners, as browsers consider them ads.
***Incentive breakdown:
Any single reseller banner: $25.00
All other banners per device type: $5.00
Mix and match up to 6 banners to receive a total of $50.00 in an Amazon gift card! Once completed email the Reseller team at:
Maximum reward per partner: $100
If you already have a previous version of DriveSavers web banners on your website, you’ll receive the same amount of compensation for updating to the latest web banners.
Select the “Get Code” button then select and copy the banner code:
Image Size 300 X 100
Image Size: 125 X 95
Image Size 240 x 400
Image Size 336 x 230
Vous ne travaillez pas ? Essayez ces conseils :
Use the Latest Code
Sometimes we make small changes to the code to fix bugs in different browsers. If it’s been a while since you copy-pasted the code onto your site, try doing that and refreshing the page to see if any display issues are resolved.
Declare your DOCTYPE
Does your site define a DOCTYPE at the beginning of its HTML? This tells browsers what version of HTML a page is using so the browser knows how to display the page correctly. If it’s not defined, the browser takes a guess, which might not always be right in the case of the banners. A helpful guide to defining a DOCTYPE can be found here:
Add Code in “Full HTML” Mode
When adding these tools using a CMS, the default text editor setting may not allow HTML code. Check to see if there is an option for “Full HTML” code, which will allow tags like images and links to appear properly. Also, do not use options your CMS may have for embedding images or videos – place the full embed code directly into the text editor for best results.
Combine Tools for Greater Effect
For best results, combine the DriveSaver™ HDD simulator et Virtual Tour Video with your banner ads.
- When using the simulator, customers see how drives function and fail.
- The video demonstrates how carefully their drive and its data will be handled at DriveSavers.