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DriveSavers Offers Data Recovery Relief to New England Victims of Winter Storm Juno

Recovery experts extend $500 off data recovery services to aid those affected by heavy snowfall, high-speed winds and coastal flooding Novato, Calif. – Jan. 29, 2015 – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic services, today announced it would provide assistance to victims of the blizzard-like storm in New England. Parts…

Crashed Hard Drives: When in Doubt, Don’t Throw It Out

Originally published on New York Law Journal. By Stephen M. Kramarsky Just about every practicing litigator has a story about electronically stored information, or ESI: how it won the case or lost the case or turned up or disappeared. It’s fair to say that electronic discovery has entirely transformed litigation over…

Choisir des services de sauvegarde en nuage

When choosing a back-up service provider, here are some issues to consider: Do you have special security needs involving regulated data? If you have medical, financial, educational or other sensitive files, what security and encryption protocols are available for your protection? Where, exactly, is the data being stored? Potentially, the…

ExecutiveBiz: GC Micro Taps DriveSavers as Partner on NASA GWAC for IT Products, Services

By Anna Forrester DriveSavers and GC Micro have partnered to deliver e-discovery, data recovery and digital forensics services to federal agencies under the latter’s position on the NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement IV governmentwide acquisition contract. DriveSavers said Monday GC Micro’s SEWP IV contract will facilitate government procurement of the partners’ IT products and product-based services. “Partnering with GC Micro…

Press Release: DriveSavers Partners with GC Micro to Provide Services Through NASA SEWP IV Contract

Only provider to deliver certified secure data recovery, eDiscovery and forensic services NOVATO, Calif. (Jan. 5, 2015) – DriveSavers, the worldwide leader in data recovery, eDiscovery and digital forensic solutions, today announced a partnership with GC Micro, an information technology firm with a competitive NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP IV), government wide acquisition contract…

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