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À quoi sert le formatage d'un disque dur ?

"Si je formate mon disque dur, que se passe-t-il ?" C'est probablement l'une des questions les plus fréquemment posées par les nouveaux utilisateurs d'ordinateurs. Saviez-vous que chaque disque dur commence sa vie en étant formaté à l'usine où il a été construit ? Cela peut vous surprendre, car le formatage semble être une chose que l'on...

Doug Menuez Photographe et réalisateur professionnel

Doug Menuez, an award-winning document Photographer, shares his experience of losing his data and working with DriveSavers. Video Transcript Hi. My name is Doug Menuez. I’m a documentary photographer and filmmaker. I’ve been freelancing and shooting and producing my own work since 1983. So I have most of my archives…

Comment restaurer une bibliothèque Apple Music

Did you know there are more than 68 million Apple Music users across the world? Folks who use this service love the expansive music library, the streamlined interface, and the convenience of using a single music streaming service. But sometimes, the app doesn’t work as designed. Sometimes you may struggle…

Temps violent - Conseils de sécurité

If a hurricane hit your business today, would your data survive? Here’s how to protect  your data from an impending natural disaster. Keep all electronics out of basements and off the floor in general. Basements are naturally cool places, but are the first to flood. If possible, unplug your hardware-laptops, printers,…

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