“Miracle” iPhone Recovery
L'iPhone d'Eric a été détruit lorsqu'il l'a laissé sur le toit de sa voiture et a démarré. Toutes les données et les photos demandées du nouveau-né de la famille ont été récupérées.
L'iPhone d'Eric a été détruit lorsqu'il l'a laissé sur le toit de sa voiture et a démarré. Toutes les données et les photos demandées du nouveau-né de la famille ont été récupérées.
The company may be the first in the world to recover data from Apple M1 and T2 logic boards that have been damaged beyond repair. (Novato, CA, July 2022) – DriveSavers Data Recovery continues to be the global leader in the advancement of data recovery services, including Apple’s most advanced…
Gene Roddenberry, l'homme qui a dirigé la célèbre émission Star Trek, est décédé en 1991. Ce n'est que bien plus tard que ses ayants droit ont envoyé à DriveSavers près de 200 disquettes de 5,25 pouces sur lesquelles était stocké le travail du créateur de Star Trek.
One of my biggest fears as a professional photographer is that someday, somehow, for some reason, I’m going to lose critical images from a shoot and make a client, and myself, very unhappy. A memory card gets corrupted, a hard drive fails, or my studio burns down. There are so many…
By Will DeLisi, NAND Flash Recovery Specialist Your smartphone–that mini computer that lives in your pocket—deserves the same protection as your personal laptop and work computer does. Use the following guidelines to protect your on-the-go information from hackers and thieves. 1. Back Up, Back Up, Back Up! First and foremost,…
Originally published by TrekMovie.com. Some 200 5.25-inch floppy disks from late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s estate have been unlocked revealing about 3 MB of decades old words typed by the Great Bird himself. Cover photo: DriveSavers’ Mike Cobb and Jim Wilhelmsen with Gene Roddenberry’s old computer and some of the…
While at Flash Memory Summit 2015, our company rock star, Chris Bross, was pulled into a variety of media interviews, including this one with Trilogy Tech Talk. Trilogy Tech Talk is a new arena to discover, investigate, evaluate and compare all things “tech.” Content comes straight from the source of…
If you are going to be away from home or shutting down your business during the holidays, here are some tips to keep your important data safe from harm’s way. Back Up First and foremost, make sure you have everything important backed up. A backup is just a copy, stored…