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Crashed Hard Drives: When in Doubt, Don’t Throw It Out

Originally published on New York Law Journal. By Stephen M. Kramarsky Just about every practicing litigator has a story about electronically stored information, or ESI: how it won the case or lost the case or turned up or disappeared. It’s fair to say that electronic discovery has entirely transformed litigation over…

Case Study: With UFED Physical Analyzer, Investigative Team Helps Prove a Case for Capital Murder

Case Snapshot Who: Law enforcement forensic examiners in Carrollton and Dallas, Texas, in cooperation with DriveSavers Digital Forensics Department in Novato, California. What: Use of Cellebrite UFED Physical Analyzer to prove a murder suspect faked text messages from his victim. Why: Without the evidence from the victim’s badly waterlogged phone,…

Government Discounts for Forensics and eDiscovery

DriveSavers offers special government pricing for computer Forensics and eDiscovery services. Under the DriveSavers GSA schedule, government agencies can purchase specialized legal services, litigation support and electronic discovery for a reduced rate. In addition to these services, DriveSavers also offers GSA-level pricing on more traditional data recovery service. Similar discounted rates are…

Press Release: DriveSavers Adds Discounted eDiscovery Pricing

U.S. Government Agencies can now take advantage of electronic solutions using GSA Schedule Contract GS-325F-0121S (NOVATO, Calif. – Sept. 9, 2013) – DriveSavers Data Recovery, the worldwide leader in data recovery services, announced today the addition of eDiscovery/Forensic Service solutions through the General Services Administration (GSA) schedule contract. The GSA…

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