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Want to Defrag Your SSD? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Cleaning out our closets is, depending on how naturally organized you are, an arduous, time-consuming job. This unpopular housekeeping task is usually reserved for the most boring of weekends—or a pandemic-induced quarantine… Few people like cleaning out their closets, but almost everyone loves the result. Items once lost are found,…

How Does a Flash Drive Work? 

Flash drives are one of the most popular accessories of modern computing. Since their introduction in 2002, there are few users who don’t have at least one, or maybe even an entire drawer full, of flash drives at their disposal. This pocket-sized storage solution, often referred to as a USB…

What is an SD card, anyway?

Since computing began several decades ago, users have looked for ways to easily move their data from one device to another. Over the years, moveable storage has come in many forms—some with a bit more finesse than others. This may come as a surprise, but the first form of removable…

COVID-19 Data Recovery

DriveSavers Data Recovery, Novato, CA. March 5th, 2020. “Bret McTigue. I’m a Battalion Chief with the Marin County Fire Department. My Surface Pro had some issues when I was filling a role in our Emergency Operations Center during the COVID-19 crisis. I was working on some important data entry before it got saved…

Data Recovery Software Debunked

Have you ever lost data? This may seem like a silly question, because who on this earth hasn’t lost data at some point in their computing life? Here’s the real question. What did you do to recover your lost data?  You were probably presented with quite a few results in…

What is Data Migration?

Have you ever moved? The answer is probably yes unless you’ve made the decision to live out your days in the basement of your childhood home… Current living situation aside, think back on the last time you moved. Relocating was a pain, right? You had to find a place, get…

Is Your Data Ever Really Gone?

Right now, the world’s datasphere contains more than 18 zettabytes of information. It’s hard to even comprehend the sheer volume of data existing today. And the shocking part is that this data continues to grow by leaps and bounds… with little sign of slowing down! Every second, 2.4 billion emails…

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