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4 Survival Tips For Legaltech West Coast

Originally published by Legaltech News.
Legaltech West Coast is right around the corner. Check out these ideas for making the most of it.
Legaltech West Coast is right around the corner, on July 13 and 14, in San Francisco. Whether it’s your first visit to this conference or your eleventh, check out these ideas for making the most of it.
1) Make a Top Three List
In February, many got to Legaltech New York late because of the big storm that grounded and delayed flights. When they finally arrived, attendees realized that they had much less time than expected to meet with colleagues, vendors, and Twitter friends. Though you’re not likely to encounter freak snowstorms at Legaltech West Coast, you should still prepare for the unexpected by making a list of your top three priorities, whether they are sessions, people or companies. That way, you won’t find yourself reading a session write-up with envy or wondering if you’ll ever meet that person you’ve been tweet chatting with all year.
2) Upsize Your Luggage
Don’t pack your suitcase to the gills on your way to Legaltech. Odds are, you’ll encounter freebies and swag that you actually want to take home – whether a conveniently-sized water bottle or a legal-themed card game. And if none of them strikes your fancy, you can always pick up a few to gift to your family back home. They don’t have to know what information governance is in order to appreciate afree action figure or mini speaker.
3) Create a Cheat Sheet
Have someone you’d particularly like to meet at Legaltech, or just terrible at remembering people’s names? You can use Google Image Search to make yourself a cheat sheet for what attendees look like. Think of it as an extension of Sam Glover’s networking tip to make first-time meetings go smoother. That way, you won’t accidentally put your foot in your mouth because you don’t realize who it is that’s waiting in line for coffee with you. It’s only creepy if anyone sees your cheat sheet.
4) Plug In
Keep your devices charged and close by, but to be more present at the conference, not to check every new email. Part of the Legaltech West Coast experience happens outside of the Hyatt: it’s on Twitter and on the Legaltech mobile app. These real-time feeds can help you discover ad-hoc conversations, interesting sessions, parties worth attending, and even free coffee. On Twitter, you can follow #LTWC15 or subscribe to lists that will be made next month – like these Legaltech New York ones that were made by Nicole Black and LegalTypist. On your phone, you can download the Legaltech mobile app.
In addition to your priorities list, large suitcase, photo sheet, and cell phone, don’t forget to bring your curiosity. Whether it’s a piece of software that improves your firm’s revenue or your next boss, you never know what you could discover at Legaltech West Coast.