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TCC: 2017 Smartphone Trends to Look Forward to

Excerpt from article originally published by TCC. 27 mobile enthusiasts and tech bloggers share their predictions for 2017 The wireless world is evolving rapidly, with fancy new smartphones and wearable gadgets emerging all the time. The industry is changing at such rapid pace. It can be difficult to predict the next smartphone…

Technology Predictions for 2016

Technology marches on, but where and how fast will it actually move in 2016 is anybody’s guess. Some of last year’s themes will continue, including a big increase in drone sales, an even greater usage of smart phones, more Internet-connected devices (including wearables and the Internet of Things) plus projected…

What’s Ahead: Bigger, Faster, Smaller, More Vulnerable?

Technology predictions for the coming year include more hacking and data breach incidents, and the introduction of higher capacity hard drives and solid-state drives to handle the ever-growing amount of data created worldwide. According to a report from Cisco, the amount of data created globally will increase six times over…

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