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Cybersécurité : Nos articles et conseils préférés


At DriveSavers, we’re experts on cybersecurity. We have to be, considering the petabytes of confidential customer data that flows in and out of our data recovery lab. We frequently share our knowledge of data security and cybersecurity with you through blog articles and white papers. Here are a few of our favorites.

Cybersecurity for Everyone

9 façons de sécuriser votre smartphone

Your smartphone—that mini computer that lives in your pocket—deserves the same protection as your personal laptop or work computer.

Use the guidelines in this article to protect your on-the-go information from hackers and thieves.

Read 9 Ways to Secure Your Smartphone

Internet-connected Children’s Toys: 5 Safety Tips

This is a great one for parents.

Run an online search for “internet-connected children’s toys” and you’ll find pages and pages of “smart” tech toys to purchase, from “learning tablets” designed for young children to funny little animals that transmit voicemail messages, all stored online.

How secure are all of these cloud-storage databases? What might these toys be exposing about you or your children?

This article explores the cybersecurity of internet-connected children’s toys and provides five easy-to-follow tips for keeping your children safe online.

Read Internet-connected Children’s Toys: 5 Safety Tips

Ne vous laissez pas piéger par les attaques d'hameçonnage par courrier électronique

A lot of smart people are fooled every day by something that looks genuine, but isn’t! Phishing and malware attacks are designed to take something important from you and profit from the theft. This type of attack is directed at individuals and businesses alike.

This article explains what phishing is and how to protect yourself and your business from phishing attempts.

Read Don’t Get Caught by Email Phishing Attacks

Un autre exemple d'attaque de phishing astucieuse

This spoof email looks to be a locked PDF from the very reputable company, DocuSign. It appears that the receiver of this email is required to click a button to unlock an important file. In actuality, the file is an unlocked PDF with a button that links to a malware site.

This short article explains how to identify this type of phishing email and what to do with it.

Read Another Crafty Phishing Attack Example

Email Security Alert – Messages from Contacts

Here’s another example of a phishing attack that hijacks a real person’s email and uses their contact list for nefarious purposes.

This article explains how to identify this type of phishing email and how to protect yourself.

Read Email Security Alert – Messages from Contacts

Cybersecurity for Government, Corporations, Banks, Medical Practitioners and Small Businesses

Rapport sur la cybersécurité : Le risque négligé de la récupération de données par des tiers

This white paper addresses an often undetected or unattended internal and contractual risk—data recovery—that should never be left out of a strong-layered security practice.


  • 2016–2017 data breach statistics
  • Types of sensitive data held by most businesses
  • Coûts associés à une violation de données
  • Security standards and protocols for data recovery
  • Easy-to-use security vetting checklist

Read Cybersecurity Report: The Overlooked Risk in Third-party Data Recovery

Conformité de la sécurité des données : Un aide-mémoire pour les services informatiques

Que vous travailliez pour une organisation soumise à des normes de conformité ou que vous soyez un informaticien indépendant cherchant à développer son activité, les réglementations sectorielles relatives à la sécurité des données, également appelée sécurité de l'information, peuvent parfois constituer un véritable casse-tête.

This article provides a single set of guidelines to follow that can be applied to all industry regulations at once.

Read Data Security Compliance: A Cheat Sheet for IT

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